Quickstart Guide

How to get up and going quickly

How to Get Started​

Docker Hub Repo

Access the Docker Hub to review tags and all the details of the container.

Quick Start​

For the automated, quick start route, with your container tool, simply run

docker run -d computeronix/gunbot:latest

Once the image is downloaded, it will run and auto-start in usually about one minute or less.

If the port, by default 5000, is open on the host, and pass-thru the container, go to https://IPofCONTAINER:5000 (localhost could be used if local environment)

Example with persistent data and pass-through

docker run -d -p 5010:5000 -v "/host/directory/to/volume:/mnt/gunbot" computeronix/gunbot:latest

In the above example, Gunbot would be available on https://IPofCONTAINER:5010 and data would persist on the mounted directory /host/directory/to/volume.

Last updated

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